" Self confidence is a super power. Once you start to believe in it, Magic starts happening." - unknown
I recently read a post that list 6 amazing steps on how to be confident.. even if you may not feel 100% confident. They list as follows 1) Maintain good posture 2) Smile 3) Dress with self respect 4) Maintain Eye Contact 5) Be Kind 6) Listen
Confidence is defined as self assured.
This is something as a women I've definitely have struggled with. Confidence may not always be about the physical. We live in a world of comparisons made up of idealistic views of what beauty and life in general should look like. After reading these 6 steps and details I realized I had already began this journey, and wanted to share it. I'm adding learning to cherish your heart. Meaning be willing to listen to what your heart is telling you, and value it enough to honor it. After all what's on the inside with exude outward as well. So may you walk with your head held up, and your heart wide open to receive every ounce of what the universe has for you.